Rick Bennett, US Senatorial Candidate

June 9, 2012 -- Early Saturday morning, I spoke with Rick Bennett via Skype. Rick has been busy campaigning, and we were unable to meet up in person. We spoke for about 30 minutes, and about numerous issues.

On running for office:
"Frankly, running for office today is a bit gloomy, because I find myself talking about these huge challenges that our country is facing, which frankly is what motivated me to get into this race. I have a 16-year-old and a 14-year old, and they'll be released into the world soon, and I worry about the world that we're releasing them into and the vast amounts of debt that are being heaped upon the next generation."

On his vision of the future:
"I employ over 40 people in Maine. We've got smaller offices in New York and San Diego and London, and nobody's ever heard of my business because we are doing world-class work, but we don't have any customers in Maine. So we're just importing dollars into the state and hiring people and paying their wages and benefits. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of businesses like this all across this state, and I really think it's the future, and it's why I'm optimistic about the future of not only Maine, but the country."

On why he chose to run:
"I'm very angry, particularly at the United States Senate, because under Harry Reid's leadership, the United States Senate…seems to be playing games of political brinksmanship, and not solving the problems of the country. Most notably, as we all know, they're spending a trillion dollars every single year for each of the past four years beyond what the government takes in tax revenue. And worse…they're doing it without even passing a spending plan -- a long-term plan or a budget. I find that unconscionably irresponsible leadership."

About how he succeeded in power-sharing when he was President of the State Senate:
"I said 'Let's throw the rulebook out. Let's create our own rules. Let's make this work.' And I went to the Democrat and the independent with a power-sharing proposal…we moved issues forward, we treated people with respect, and made sure their voices were heard.  Unfortunately, under Harry Reid's leadership in the U.S. Senate, they don't have debates; people invoke the filibuster before the bill even gets to the floor; they don't even read the legislation or give members the chance to read the legislation before they're asked to vote on it…"

In response to my question about his family and the wish for a national park in northern Maine:
"You know, some members of my family like the idea. My dad is a noted naturalist and environmentalist in Maine, and my stepmom. I disagree with them on this issue…I wouldn't even support a study of a national park until and unless local people -- the people most affected by it -- demand it. I have to say, I don't really understand why people are fixated on building a national park in the North Woods because -- I adore the North Woods. I've been recreating in the North Woods since I was…a young child…We've paddled the Allagash; we've hiked Katahdin…But why would we substitute private ownership for public ownership? We already can enjoy the North Woods…Why would we…put it off limits for timber harvesting and other uses? You know, it just makes no sense to me."

To see what he believes he can do to change things in the U.S. Senate, special interest power, the so-called Patriot Act, NDAA, leaks of classified information apparently from the White House, what he calls 'the corrupting relationship between big business and big government,' internet sales tax, technology enabling government to violate rights, abuses in the tax system, the proposed east-west highway, infrastructure investments, funding Planned Parenthood, ObamaCare, Fast & Furious, and why he did not sign the tax pledge, you'll just have to listen.

Listen to the interview here:

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